Our beloved baby, James, suffered from a disease that was so crushing, that there was nothing the doctors could do and immediately they labeled his folder with a terrifying description: LETHAL CONDITION. James' body was not able to produce enough collagen to strengthen his bones, which resulted in every little bone in his body to fracture in multiple places and ways and, as the body tried to heal itself, the bones healing without guidance, inward, and so, not allowing for critical organs to reach full development, which is the real cause of these babies' death.
Joe and I were understandably very sad, but we realized two things: number one, we loved this baby since the moment we knew he was coming, and his condition was not going to change our love for him. Second, we wanted to make sure every little moment of James' life with us was filled to the brim with love. The love of a lifetime squeezed into how much ever time we were given by God with him. James was born on August 30th, 2011 and died the following night, August 31st. Those days are really hard, but they have a certain beauty that no one can understand, unless they've lived through a similar experience. Although not having been able to hold our baby for longer, seen him grow up and run around, we rest in the knowledge that we could not have showered him with more love and the pride to have him as part of our family forever, as we pray every day: "Little James, pray for us!" María Keller.